I'm helping my boss at a nonprofit org find an incredible intern for next semester, so I pasted a bit of info about it below. If this sounds like your cup of tea, or may know someone else who'd find it useful, please pass it on!
On a personal note, the Young People For office is young, everyone is super nice, freakishly intelligent and very committed to the progressive cause. I've learned ridiculous amounts here this semester and my boss was a good teacher--she is my favorite kind of web nerd; if you're into PHP and accessible and pretty pretty CSS web design, she will definitely love you. If you wanted an introduction to the nonprofit world, this is a great opportunity!
Young People For (YP4) is an NYC-based nonpartisan program of People For the American Way Foundation. YP4 empowers progressive college student leaders to create lasting change in their communities.
We have openings for web and communications interns for the Spring 2009 semester. We'd love to extend this opportunity to your students, particularly those who have web design, blogging, and/or copy editing experience. Read the full description: http://www.youngpeoplefor.org/about/job

We are seeking NYC-based interns who are able to work either full- or part-time. We're happy to arrange academic credit. Our interns don't fetch coffee or make photocopies; we put interns to work in areas that interest them, such as creating newsletters, coding, blogging, conducting research and developing new web projects.
Feel free to respond if you have any questions!
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