Sunday, March 30, 2008

Study Shows Comprehensive Sex Education Reduces Teen Pregnancy

A new study by researchers at the University of Washington found that students who receive comprehensive sex education are half as likely to become teen parents as those who receive abstinence-only sex education. According to the Seattle Times, this study marks the first time researchers have compared comprehensive sex education and abstinence-only education in a national sample of teenagers.

Read the Feminist DDaily News story.

Pregnancy Discrimination Reports at Record High

Reports of pregnancy discrimination to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) are at an all time high. The EEOC received 5,587 charges of pregnancy-based discrimination in 2007, up 14 percent from 2006 which represents the largest increase in a single year.

Read the Feminist Daily News story.

Have you been bullied at work?

A recent blog on the NY Time's Well page had over 300 responses describing people who have been bullied at work.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Zimbardo & Abu Ghraib

THE HORRIFYING PHOTOS of young Iraqis abused by American soldiers have shocked the world with their depictions of human degradation, forcing us to acknowledge that some of our beloved soldiers have committed barbarous acts of cruelty and sadism. Now there is a rush to analyze human behavior, blaming flawed or pathological individuals for evil and ignoring other important factors. Unless we learn the dynamics of "why," we will never be able to counteract the powerful forces that can transform ordinary people into evil perpetrators.

Read the Boston Globe op-ed by Zimbardo.

Pappas's mental state in Iraq was first publicly questioned in The Lucifer Effect, a best-selling book by Dr. Philip Zimbardo, the Stanford University psychologist and expert on detention who conducted the well-known "Stanford Prison Experiment" — a 1971 simulation in which students were asked to play the role of guards — and who also testified as an expert witness in one of the Abu Ghraib trials.

Read the Time article.

“War is all about old men wanting young men to kill other young men, but we only want them to kill them when they are there; when they come back, we don’t want them to become killers. That’s why we put men in uniforms,” Zimbardo said.

Zimbardo at Uuniversity of Delaware.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

More racism - economic

I just saw this today:

Now, what kind of American is ‘sub-prime.’ Guess. No peeking. Here’s a hint: 73% of HIGH INCOME Black and Hispanic borrowers were given sub-prime loans versus 17% of similar-income Whites. Dark-skinned borrowers aren’t stupid – they had no choice. They were ‘steered’ as it’s called in the mortgage sharking business.

Greg Palast outlines what this sub-prime morgage crisis is (and how it relates to NY state).

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Construction of Racial Identity

Are you black enough?

What is being black?

A nice review of social psychology

Why We do Dumb or Irrational Things: 10 Brilliant Social Psychology Studies

Perceptions of Free Will

Whether or not people have free will, whether or not they believe that they do has significant influences on their behavior.

Behavior: An Absence of Free Will, a Tendency to Cheat
Published: February 19, 2008
If there is no such thing as free will, do you really have to put that money into the office coffee kitty when no one is looking?

Arguing the Upside of Being Down

Author Eric G. Wilson has come to realize he was born to the blues, and he has made peace with his melancholy state.
But it took some time, as he writes in his new book, a polemic titled Against Happiness: In Praise of Melancholy.

All Things Considered, February 11, 2008

"ice-pick" lobotomy

On Jan. 17, 1946, a psychiatrist named Walter Freeman launched a radical new era in the treatment of mental illness in this country. On that day, he performed the first-ever transorbital or "ice-pick" lobotomy in his Washington, D.C., office. Freeman believed that mental illness was related to overactive emotions, and that by cutting the brain he cut away these feelings.

All Things Considered


Putting pseudoscience claims to the test of controlled research.

Nostrums: Aromatherapy Rarely Stands Up to Testing
Published: March 11, 2008
When researchers set out to see if they could prove any of the claims about aromatherapy in the lab, most did not pan out.

One problem tho, the co-author's name: William B. Malarkey


More Expensive Placebos Bring More Relief
Published: March 5, 2008
In a recent study, researchers found that a $2.50 placebo works better than one that costs 10 cents.

The Scientific Method is self-correcting

Did they dry lab (make up the data) or is something else going on?

Nobel Winner Retracts Research Paper
Published: March 7, 2008
A team of scientists including Linda B. Buck, who shared the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, has retracted a scientific paper after the findings could not be reproduced.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Availability and the Iraq war

"On my wrist, there’s Arabic for “F you.” I got that put on my wrist just two weeks before we went to Iraq, because that was my choking hand, and any time I felt the need to take out aggression, I would go ahead and use it.
Please go to the next picture. Next, there’s an instance of detainees and how they were treated in a nice manner.
Next, that is the Fatima Mosque minaret. As you can see, it is ridden with bullet holes and holes in the top of it. Those were from mortars. And the next video that I’m going to show you is a tank round that went into that minaret, where we weren’t sure if we were taking fire or not. Actually, I’ll talk about this one. This is after one of the guys in a weapons company had gotten shot. This is a way that we would take out our aggression. For those of you who don’t know, it is illegal to shoot into a mosque, unless you were taking fire from it. There was no fire that was taken from that mosque. It was shot into because we were angry."

This is a statement Jon Michael Turner, former Marine with the 3rd Battalion, 8th Marines, gave at Winter Soldier last week. (see story on Democracy Now)

What? You didn't hear about Winter Soldier? Not suprised, most of the news services didn't cover this event. (Headlined on 3/19/08:Corporate Media Ignored Winter Soldier. )

So, what's not in the news is not available.

Logo Can Make You 'Think Different'

An excellent example of priming and advertising.

Whether you are a Mac person or a PC person, even the briefest exposure to the Apple logo may make you behave more creatively, according to recent research from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and the University of Waterloo, Canada.


attentional blindness commerical

For the "our culture of rape" files

'Torture Porn' Makers Shrug Off the Label

As "torture porn" movies deepen their imaginative excursions into terror and violence against women, some of their creators are not only defending themselves from attacks by women's activists, they're calling their work feminist.

(WOMENSENEWS)--When the movie "Hostel" raked in $19 million on its debut weekend and gripped the No. 1 spot for a week in 2005, some critics heralded the comeback of horror, which had been in a box office slump for a decade.

From, Women's News

United Nations Finds US Not Combating Racism Effectively

The United Nations (UN) Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination called attention to the wide racial disparities that continue to exist in the US. The Committee concluded March 7 after finding the US lacking in its pursuit of the end of racial discrimination. The Committee's report on the US criticized persistent racial profiling, the dismantling of affirmative action, inadequate access to health care, and the racial disparities in the US criminal justice system. The UN also condemned the racial inequities in reproductive and sexual health care in the US. The Center for Reproductive Rights reports that that the Committee urged the US to reduce its high rates of maternal and infant mortality, to decrease the rate of unplanned pregnancies, and to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS. The Reproductive Health Reality Check pointed out that women of color have significantly worse sexual health than white women.

From, Feminist Daily News WireMarch 17, 2008
