New York state is in a budget meltdown with the governor calling for massive budget cuts. Why? He says that tax revenue is down. But I got this letter from my union's president:
There is an alternative to the false choice between a contract reopener and layoffs: increasing revenue. New York State would have $16 billion in additional revenue this year alone if it had restored the 1994 tax cut for the highest earners. What New York is really facing is a revenue crisis. The richest one percent of New York families (those earning $1.6 million or more a year) pay only 6.5 percent of their income in state and local taxes, while the poorest New Yorkers (with incomes under $15,000) pay 11.6 percent. Restructuring the unfair tax system would eliminate the need for budget cuts—and generate the funds for desperately needed new investment, starting with CUNY.
In the short term, the state could close this year’s budget gap by drawing on the more than $1 billion in the “rainy day fund” (Tax Stabilization Reserve Fund) and gaining support from a federal economic stimulus. The federal government is considering a stimulus package that would increase aid to state and local governments; announcement of devastating budget cuts before the decision on a stimulus bill is premature.
The PSC has joined economists, unions and community groups across the state in calling on the governor and the legislature to adopt a revenue proposal rather than resorting to cuts and layoffs that will deepen the effect of a recession. Brooklyn College, Queens College and Lehman College were all founded during the Depression. These times demand a similar, visionary investment. Public higher education is the key to reinvigorating the economy.
If you want to help out my students (especially if you are one of my students), this link
will allow you to send a letter to the Governor against tuition hikes. Quote from my post if you like or just use the standard letter.
Here's the link to a further explanation of the tax policy.
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students let our voices be heard. No Tuition Hikes
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