Out of the blue, I get an email from Princeton asking me to present my work at a by-invitation-only conference on the Psychology of Charitable Giving. That's coming up in July. My reactions to this upcoming event are a mixture of joy, pride and mind-numbing fear. I decided that I needed to do a more extensive literature review on charitable giving.
First, I created a journal. This is important to keep track of what I did and need to do.
Here is the Journal.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
PsychInfo search – charitable giving
Find More Like ThisTraditional and Health Related Philanthropy: The Role of Resources and Personality.
Bekkers, René, Department of Sociology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands, r.bekkers@fss.uu.nl
Bekkers, René, ICS/Department of Sociology, Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS, Utrecht, Netherlands, r.bekkers@fss.uu.nl
Social Psychology Quarterly, Vol 69(4), Dec 2006. pp. 349-366.
Find More Like ThisDoes a 'Norm of Self-Interest' Discourage Prosocial Behavior? Rationality and Quid Pro Quo in Charitable Giving.
Simpson, Brent, bts@sc.edu Irwin, KyleLawrence, Peter
Simpson, Brent, Department of Sociology, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, US, 29208, bts@sc.edu
Social Psychology Quarterly, Vol 69(3), Sep 2006. pp. 296-306.
Find More Like ThisIs philanthropy strategic? An analysis of the management of charitable giving in large UK companies.
Brammer, Stephen, School of Management, University of Bath, Bath, United KingdomMillington, Andrew, School of Management, University of Bath, Bath, United KingdomPavelin, Stephen, Department of Economics, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom
Business Ethics: A European Review, Vol 15(3), Jul 2006. pp. 234-245.
Business Ethics: A European Review, Vol 15(3), Jul 2006. pp. 234-245.
Full text – but can’t open link
Find More Like ThisIndividualism and Good Works: Cultural Variation in Giving and Volunteering Across the United States.
Kemmelmeier, Markus, U Nevada, Dept of Sociology, Reno, NV, USJambor, Edina E., U Nevada, Reno, NV, USLetner, Joyce, U Nevada, Reno, NV, US
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Vol 37(3), May 2006. pp. 327-344.
Find More Like ThisThe Role of Brand Personality in Charitable Giving: An Assessment and Validation.
Venable, Beverly T., Columbus State University, US, venable_beverly@colstate.edu Rose, Gregory M., University of Washington, Tacoma, WA, US, rosegm@u.washington.edu Bush, Victoria D., University of Mississippi, University, MS, US, vbush@bus.olemiss.edu Gilbert, Faye W., J. Whitney Bunting School of Business, Georgia College and State University, US, faye.gilbert@gcsu.edu
Venable, Beverly T., venable_beverly@colstate.edu
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol 33(3), Sum 2005. pp. 295-312.
US: Sage Publications
0092-0703 (Print)
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nonprofit organizations; brand personality measurement; organizations; social ideals; nonprofit marketing; charitable giving
Marketing concepts such as corporate identity, image, and branding are important strategies for nonprofit organizations. In particular, brand personality has been advocated by practitioners but has not been empirically investigated in the nonprofit context. According to social exchange theory and trust, the authors argue that nonprofit stakeholders perceive nonprofit organizations at an abstract level because of the organizations' intangibility and social ideals. This study develops and refines a parsimonious measure of brand personality specifically for the nonprofit context. The authors conduct a series of six multimethod studies of nonprofit stakeholders to validate the role of brand personality in nonprofit organizations. The results yield four dimensions of brand personality for nonprofits: integrity, nurturance, sophistication, and ruggedness. Thus, current and potential donors ascribe personality traits to nonprofit organizations and differentiate between nonprofits on the basis of the organizations' personality. Finally, nonprofit brand personality may influence potential donors' likelihood to contribute. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved)(from the journal abstract)
*Altruism; *Brand Names; *Marketing; *Nonprofit Organizations; *Organizational Behavior
Marketing & Advertising (3940)Organizational Behavior (3660)
Human (10)Male (30)Female (40)
Age Group:
Adulthood (18 yrs & older) (300)Young Adulthood (18-29 yrs) (320)Thirties (30-39 yrs) (340)Middle Age (40-64 yrs) (360)
Empirical Study; Qualitative Study; Quantitative Study
Publication Type:
Journal, Peer Reviewed Journal; ElectronicFormat(s) Available: Electronic; Print
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Original Journal Article
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Find More Like ThisA multidisciplinary model of monetary donations to charitable organizations.
Drollinger, Tanya L., Purdue U, US
Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, Vol 59(1-B), Jul 1998. pp. 0458.
US: ProQuest Information & Learning
0419-4217 (Print)
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A multidisciplinary model of monetary donations to charitable organizations (donations, volunteerism)
The main purpose of this study was to examine factors that influence a person to donate to a charitable organization using a multi-disciplinary approach. Economic (permanent income hypothesis), sociological (symbolic interactionism), and psychological (self extension) theories were used in order to explain charitable giving. To test the hypotheses the 1992 Survey of Consumer Finance and 1994 Giving and Volunteering surveys were used. Logistic regression and tobit procedures were conducted to examine lifecycle and demographic characteristics of donors and non/donors. The results of the regression models reveal that demographic and financial characteristics are good indicators of the amount given to a charity. A structural equation model on the likelihood of a person donating to charity was developed and tested. The results indicated that income and education were good indicators of the likelihood of someone being a donor. Further education was also positively and significantly related to being a volunteer. Being affiliated with a religious organization and having pro-social experiences as a youth were also positively and significantly related to the likelihood of being a donor. Religious affiliation, past pro-social experiences, and favorable attitudes toward charitable organizations were statistically significant and positively related to being a volunteer. Age was not significantly related to the likelihood of donating, volunteering or holding positive attitudes regarding charities. This finding warrants further research into the economic status of elderly persons who do and do not donate, other informal types of helping behavior that older persons participate in that may serve as substitutes, and general cohort effects regarding attitudes toward charitable organizations. Volunteerism was found to be statistically significant and positively related to donating to charity. The results of the structural equation model support the conjecture that the decision to donat (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved)
*Charitable Behavior; *Demographic Characteristics; *Income (Economic); *Money; *Sociocultural Factors
Social Psychology (3000)
Human (10)
Age Group:
Adulthood (18 yrs & older) (300)
Empirical Study
Publication Type:
Dissertation Abstract
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next – donations.
Find More Like ThisExploring conspicuousness in the context of donation behaviour.
Grace, Debra, Griffith University, QLD, Australia, d.grace@griffith.edu.au Griffin, Deborah, Griffith University, QLD, Australia
Grace, Debra, Department of Marketing, Griffith Business School, Griffith University, PMB 50, GCMC, QLD, Australia, 9726, d.grace@griffith.edu.au
International Journal of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing, Vol 11(2), May 2006. Special issue: Advances in nonprofit marketing. pp. 147-154.
Find More Like ThisTsunami: Understanding mental health consequences and the unprecedented response.
Ghodse, Hamid, Department of Addictive Behaviour and Psychological Medicine, St George's Hospital Medical School, London, United Kingdom, hamid.ghodse@stgeorges.nhs.uk Galea, Susanna, Sussex Partnership NHS Trust, Sussex, United Kingdom, sue.galea@lineone.net
Ghodse, Hamid, Department of Addictive Behaviour and Psychological Medicine, St George's Hospital Medical School, London, United Kingdom, hamid.ghodse@stgeorges.nhs.uk
International Review of Psychiatry, Vol 18(3), Jun 2006. pp. 289-297.
Find More Like ThisDoing good for self and society: Volunteerism and the psychology of citizen participation.
Series Title:
Routledge studies in social and political
Synder, Mark, U Minnesota, Dept of Psychology, Minneapolis, MN, US, msnyder@umn.edu Omoto, Allen N.
Cooperation in modern society: Promoting the welfare of communities, states and organizations. Van Vugt, Mark (Ed); Snyder, Mark (Ed); Tyler, Tom R. (Ed); Biel, Anders (Ed); pp. 127-141.New York, NY, US: Routledge, 2000. xiv, 245 pp.
Next to do!
Ø Retry articles I can’t download
Ø dissertation
As I was searching PsychInfo I noticed that a subject term "DE" was charitable behavior. After finishing one search I searched "charitable behavior." It had over 100 hits, so I looked just for literature reviews (AND MR "literature reviews"). Whenever I'm looking at a new area I always look for a lit review - I let someone else introduce me to the area.
Notice that I listed:
- what psychinfo searches I did
- what I ordered from interlibrary loan (ILL) - sometimes order stuff that never comes and I need to know what I didn't get - I'll try to get it from the author or some other way
- what I tried to download but didn't get
- and what I should do next.
I didn't list the articles which were online and I successfully downloaded. Those will be printed and I'll read them and write a paragraph description of them. These descriptions will help me make sense of what I am reading and will probably become parts of the introduction of my paper.
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