Tuesday, April 29, 2008

INTEREST-FREE tuition installment option

Dear Faculty,

As you know, the advising period is upon us. It is to continuing students’ advantage to complete early registration for Fall now, while a large number of course seats are still open.

Some students may be postponing their course registration because they do not want to pay their full tuition bills until closer to Fall semester. Please share with them that there is an INTEREST-FREE tuition installment option available to them. Registering for courses now does NOT necessarily mean they have to come up with the full amount of their tuition by July. For a low enrollment fee, they can pay their semester bill in installment payments over the semester , rather than in one lump sum.

Information on the plan is available at www.TuitionPay.com/cuny
and at the Bursar’s Office.

Thanks for keeping students informed of the various options available for financing their education.

Cynthia R. Haller

Acting Associate Dean, Humanities and Social Sciences

Room 2H07C, Office of Academic Affairs

York College/CUNY

Jamaica, NY 11451



Sunday, April 6, 2008

3rd variable illustration

'Healthier hearts' for cat owners

However the authors warned against impulsive cat purchases.

They said while cats may indeed have a calming effect, it was unclear whether the kind of people who opted for a cat in the first place may have a lower risk of heart attack.

read the BBC story

The quote directly addresses the third variable problem: could something else (such as a personality trait) cause both a lower risk of heart disease and cat ownership? But also, there's the directionality problem: could people who are less likely to develop heart disease prefer cats? If you think about this for a second, you realize that this explanation is either silly or the 3rd variable problem in disguise.